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Fertility Preservation

A chief concern affecting quality of life among young adult (YA) cancer survivors is fertility. Although discussions regarding the possibility of infertility and methods to decrease the risk are crucial at the time of diagnosis, many YAs don’t remember having adequate discussions regarding these topics before the initiation of their treatment. Embryo cryopreservation in women and sperm cryopreservation in men before cancer therapy remains to be the most effective ways in which fertility is preserved in the YA population. Although female and male gonadal tissue cryopreservation and transplantation remain experimental, such options are explored and continuously researched through programs such as the Oncofertility Consortium at Northwestern University.

Sources: Levine J, Canada A, Stern C. Fertility Preservation in Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer.  J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28:4831-4841.

Bleyer A, Barr R. Cancer in Young Adults 20 to 39 Years of Age: Overview. Semin Oncol. 2009; 36:194-206.

SeventyK Tips 4 Life

Find an AYA cancer support group near you to discuss and share challenges and offer and gain support. The Cancer Support Community in Los Angeles has a Young Adult Support Group every Tues, 7-9pm.

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